Good but wrong
By Thesenamesarenttaken
While the vast majority is right, there’s a good chunk *at least from the Romanian side* that is highly incorrect. I’ve had to had my husband translate some of the phrases that it says because they are incorrect and it doesn’t teach you the actual correct version, for example it has told me a word or said it on the voice overs but it’s a version of the word that is either rarely used or not correct according to even the definition, if you select the word yes it gives you the correct one but the voice overs won’t give you the right one. I’m not sure if Romanian is the only one that it’s done this with but it’s been a recurring problem for me and I’ve been using it for a month straight.
Great language app
By Apple9907
I downloaded this app to help me learn how to converse with my new family (via marriage). It's nice that it offers multiple learning methods. Typing, word association (matching pictures with names/words), listening (with various speeds), and even using the mic to include practice speaking. It teaches proper grammar at the same time as vocabulary. It's not very childish in design/interactions like some other apps, so that's good for me (adult language learner).
Helpful and Straightforward
By Kates111111111
I have no complaints. I like that you can tap the mic button to have them repeat new words and phrases as many times as you need. Various styles of questions and methods of learning. Keeps your attention with the quick mini lessons.
Very good app
Nice work
Great app
By Anavictoria12
I love this app!! Very easy!
By 🌚🌚🤫🤫
Half the lessons have mistakes. It’s so frustrating!
By Boppoftyuiop
Half the lessons have mistakes. It’s so frustrating!
Helpful and Easy
By Fashiongoile
Easy to use and understand!
Nice work!
By Superman1935
A lot a work went into this app..
By llqgracie
It really helps you learn the language